Hi Jim,
I think the problem you are having with getting a response is that you are asking someone to write a script for you. Normally, you would have to pay someone for this, as it is something that folks do for a living.
Nonetheless, I had a few minutes to spare, so I worked up the following script that I believe does the job. It is very slow, clunky, and totally non-elegant, but I think it works. It leverages the book error log mechanism which is built in and accessible by scripts, but is spendidly unattractive. I hope this gives you a starting point. It could be made much more beautiful, of course, but such would take lots more time.
ListAllFormatsInBook() function ListAllFormatsInBook() { var doc, path, fmt; var book = app.ActiveBook; if(!book.ObjectValid()) book = app.FirstOpenBook; if(!book.ObjectValid()) { alert("No book window is active. Cannot continue."); return; } CallErrorLog(book, 0, 0, "-----------------------------------------------------------"); CallErrorLog(book, 0, 0, "** Book format report for:"); CallErrorLog(book, 0, 0, book.Name); var comp = book.FirstComponentInBook; while(comp.ObjectValid()) { path = comp.Name; doc = SimpleOpen (path, false); if(doc.ObjectValid()) { CallErrorLog(book, 0, 0, "-----------------------------------------------------------"); CallErrorLog(book, 0, 0, "-----------------------------------------------------------"); CallErrorLog(book, doc, 0, ""); CallErrorLog(book, 0, 0, "-----------------------------------------------------------"); CallErrorLog(book, 0, 0, "-----------------------------------------------------------"); CallErrorLog(book, 0, 0, "Paragraph formats:"); fmt = doc.FirstPgfFmtInDoc; while(fmt.ObjectValid()) { CallErrorLog(book, 0, 0, " - " + fmt.Name); fmt = fmt.NextPgfFmtInDoc; } CallErrorLog(book, 0, 0, "-----------------------------------------------------------"); CallErrorLog(book, 0, 0, "Character formats:"); fmt = doc.FirstCharFmtInDoc; while(fmt.ObjectValid()) { CallErrorLog(book, 0, 0, " - " + fmt.Name); fmt = fmt.NextCharFmtInDoc; } } else { CallErrorLog(book, 0, 0, "-----------------------------------------------------------"); CallErrorLog(book, 0, 0, "!!! Could not open: " + comp.Name + " !!!"); CallErrorLog(book, 0, 0, "-----------------------------------------------------------"); } comp = comp.NextComponentInBook; } } function CallErrorLog(book, doc, object, text) { var arg; arg = "log "; if(book == null || book == 0 || !book.ObjectValid()) arg += "-b=0 "; else arg += "-b=" + book.id + " "; if(doc == null || doc == 0 || !doc.ObjectValid()) arg += "-d=0 "; else arg += "-d=" + doc.id + " "; if(object == null || object == 0 || !object.ObjectValid()) arg += "-O=0 "; else arg += "-O=" + object.id + " "; arg += "--" + text; CallClient("BookErrorLog", arg); }