OK, I have figured it out. Here is a script that works across all text in the main flow after opening the document.
var oDoc = app.ActiveDoc;
var oRange = oDoc.TextSelection;
var oPgf = oRange.beg.obj;
var oTLoc1 = new TextLoc;
var oTLoc2 = new TextLoc;
var oTRange = new TextRange;
var sNewTxt;
while ( oPgf.ObjectValid ( ) )
var oTexts = oPgf.GetText ( -1 );
oTLoc1.obj = oPgf;
oTLoc2.obj = oPgf;
for ( i = 0; i < oTexts.length; i++ ) {
if ( oTexts[i].dataType == Constants.FTI_String ) {
oTLoc1.offset = oTexts[i].offset;
oTLoc2.offset = oTexts[i].offset + oTexts[i].sdata.length;
oTRange.beg = oTLoc1;
oTRange.end = oTLoc2;
oDoc.TextSelection = oTRange;
oDoc.Clear ( 0 );
sNewTxt = oTexts[i].sdata.replace ( /[a-z]/g, 'x' );
sNewTxt = sNewTxt.replace ( /[A-Z]/g, 'X' );
oDoc.AddText ( oTLoc1, sNewTxt );
oPgf = oPgf.NextPgfInDoc;