Hi Zdenek,
Interesting observation. I'm not sure what the reason is. I think that anymore, either a bug in the software or an error in the documentation is par for the course.
I have only ever used a string literal with the function, like:
chan = F_ChannelOpen(filepath,"r");
...and I have never had any problems or compiler errors. If I provide a StringT variable instead, VC++ flags the mismatch, but still compiles the application. If I cast the StringT as a CStringT, the mismatch warning goes away.
StringT type;
type = F_ApiCopyString("r");
chan = F_ChannelOpen(filepath, (CStringT)type);
Whatever is the reasoning behind the current declaration, it doesn't seem like a big deal to me. I can get it to work in each logical permutation. Is there something about this that is preventing you from compiling code?