In this script I create a window with an Edittext field and two buttons. The user can write something in Edittext field. How to read these data? I want to use it like a pattern in regular expressions.
I made an Edittext field a variable. How to transmit the data from it?
function SnpCreateDialog()
this.windowRef = null;
} = function()
// Create a window of type palette.
var win = new Window("palette", "Поиск",[100,100,400,250]); // bounds = [left, top, right, bottom]
this.windowRef = win;
// Add a frame for the contents.
win.pnl = win.add("panel", [25,15,275,135], "Введите данные для поиска");
// Add the components, two buttons
var txt = win.pnl.add("edittext", [15,25,230,45],"");
//win.pnl.txt = win.pnl.add("edittext", [15,25,230,45],"");
win.pnl.okBtn = win.pnl.add("button", [15,75,105,95], "OK");
win.pnl.cancelBtn = win.pnl.add("button", [140, 75, 230, 95], "Cancel");
// Register event listeners that define the button behavior
var re = new RegExp(pattern);
win.pnl.okBtn.onClick = function() {
$.writeln("OK pressed");
win.pnl.cancelBtn.onClick = function() {
$.writeln("Cancel pressed");
// Display the window;
return true;
//var re = new RegExp (txt);
if(typeof(SnpCreateDialog_unitTest) == "undefined") {
new SnpCreateDialog().run();