I want to create an EScript which converts temporary citations inserted from EndNote by the final citations according to the desired standard. I had done such utilities for FM 7 and 8 (see daube.ch/docu/fmaker41.html). The first step is to collect the temporary citations form the document and write them to a new document which then will be exported as RTF (to be handled by EndNote).
Due to the limitation of Wildcard-search i use RegEx.
tempCit = GetTempCitation ("Hello fans [[Dante, #712]] and another one [[DuçanÌsídõrâ, #312]]."); alert ("tempCit = " + tempCit); function GetTempCitation (pgfText) { var regex = /(\[\[[^\]]+\]\])/; var tempCit = "$1"; if (pgfText.search(regex) !== -1) { return pgfText.replace (regex, tempCit); } else { return null; } }
Due to lack of documentation (and lack of knowledge) i have modelled this after Rick's "Using a regular expression to convert an image name
to a path":
1) The test script does not return the first occurrence of a temp. citation but the full string. Where is my error?
2) How can i make use of the property (?) rightContext to get the other occurances?
Thank You for your help to a newcomer