ExtendScript example for Frame - changing tags by table column
In the excellent book Unstructured Framemaker 11, there is Chapter 25 on using Extendscript, the only place I have seena cogent, coherent walkthrough of the history behind ExtendScript for Frame...
View ArticleRe: ExtendScript example for Frame - changing tags by table column
Thanks for the kind words about the ExtendScript chapter in Matt Sullivan's book. OK, let's start at the beginning. Since you read the chapter, you know how important it is to start with a selection....
View ArticleHow to clone a data structure object (ExtendScript)?
Hi, Is there some quick way to clone a data structure, like a text range, rather than doing all this: newTR = new TextRange();newTR.beg.obj = oldTR.beg.obj;newTR.beg.offset =...
View ArticleRe: Technique to undo a character format application?
Thanks to Jang's tip and further experimentation, I got this to work. In order to restore original formatting to a range of text, I had to store three things: - The original text range- A list of text...
View ArticleClearing form fields in a PDF
I am using Microtype's TimeSavers and SP Form assistant to create forms and calculators in my FrameMaker documents. Is there a way to add an extendscript that will reset/clear the fields when the PDF...
View ArticleRe: Clearing form fields in a PDF
Gary, I think that you'll have to do this on the Acrobat side by embedding a javascript routine in your form(s). There's an overview tutorial at AcrobatUsers on using Javascript with Forms, see:...
View ArticleRe: ExtendScript example for Frame - changing tags by table column
OK, starting at the lowest level is getting the column selected, since we need to select the correct columnbefore selecting the first cell in the column to rename (a separate funciton?) and then the...
View ArticleIs there a JS Script that could batch fm2mif and mif2fm?
I am using FrameMaker 10 now and want to use a Script that could save current opened files as mif or fm files (version could be selected).Like all open mif files to fm10 version or all fm files saving...
View ArticleRe: Is there a JS Script that could batch fm2mif and mif2fm?
Linus, I'm sure an ExtendScript could do it. You would need to write it, though (or pay someone to). I highly doubt there is one floating around. Russ
View ArticleRe: Is there a JS Script that could batch fm2mif and mif2fm?
Hi Linus, I have a script like this. The cost for the script is $80 and includes the source code. If you are interested, please contact me offlist at rick at frameexpert dot com. Thanks. Rick
View ArticleRe: How to clone a data structure object (ExtendScript)?
Hi Russ, A little late in responding, and not much to help you forward, I'm afraid. The TextRange object seems to merely contain pointers to its objects, rather than copies of the objects themselves. I...
View ArticleExpanding a treeview control
Hi all, I have built a user-friendly cross-reference insertion dialog featuring a treeview that shows the hierarchy of a structured FM document. The only thing I cannot get to work is that the tree...
View ArticleFree and For-sale Scripts
Though I don't write scripts myself, I was happy when Adobe announced that ExtendScript capability would be added to FrameMaker. I thought that users would write scripts to enhance FrameMaker's...
View ArticleRe: Free and For-sale Scripts
Hi Mike, I have written a bunch of these since ExtendScript was added to FrameMaker. I have also written ExtendScript scripts for InDesign. I have found that most of the requests I get are somewhat...
View ArticleTrouble using an ExtendScript of the week
I'm trying to use the script provided at http://blogs.adobe.com/techcomm/2011/10/extendscript-of-the-week-gener ate-list-of-referenced-graphics-and-update-their-new-paths.html I keep getting an alert...
View ArticleRe: Is there a JS Script that could batch fm2mif and mif2fm?
Hi Linus, I created a script a while ago that uses either the active book or the active document as starting point, and includes optional conversion of any text inset files to the requested FM or MIF...
View ArticleRe: Trouble using an ExtendScript of the week
Hi Cronos, Here is what I found: open the file BookReportTemplate in FrameMaker and save it.Then run the script again (no need to restart as the script is still linked via the menu). Apparently, the...
View ArticleRe: Trouble using an ExtendScript of the week
You nailed it! Once again, thank you kindly, Heer Jang.
View ArticleRe: Is there a JS Script that could batch fm2mif and mif2fm?
Hi Jang Thank you for reply, I would like to test your script.But according to your screen capture, I don't find the options save mif files back to fm.And I don't want the script to be limited in a...
View ArticleRe: Is there a JS Script that could batch fm2mif and mif2fm?
Hi JangThank you for reply on forum.I replied on it and would like to try your script.And for Fm2mif part, I searched all the discussions and extracted the following scripts which could make it.I don't...
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